The Component Model :

Components are self-contained elements of software that can be controlled dynamically and assembled to form applications. These components must also interoperate according to a set of rules and guidelines. It's like a society of software citizens. The citizens (components) bring functionality, while the society (environment) brings structure and order.

JavaBeans is Java's component model. It allows users to construct applications by piecing components together either programmatically or visually (or both). Support of visual programming is paramount to the component model; it's what makes component-based software development truly powerful.

The model is made up of an architecture and an API (Application Programming Interface). Together, these elements provide a structure whereby components can be combined to create an application. This environment provides services and rules, the framework that allows components to participate properly. This means that components are provided with the tools necessary to work in the environment, and they exhibit certain behaviors that identify them as such. One very important aspect of this structure is containment. A container provides a context in which components can interact. A common example would be a panel that provides layout management or mediation of interactions for visual components. Of course, containers themselves can be components.

The JavaBeans Architecture :

JavaBeans is an architecture for both using and building components in Java. This architecture supports the features of software reuse, component models, and object orientation. One of the most important features of JavaBeans is that it does not alter the existing Java language. If you know how to write software in Java, you know how to use and create Beans. The strengths of Java are built upon and extended to create the JavaBeans component architecture.
Although Beans are intended to work in a visual application development tool, they don't necessarily have a visual representation at run-time. What this does mean is that Beans must allow their property values to be changed through some type of visual interface, and their methods and events should be exposed so that the development tool can write code capable of manipulating the component when the application is executed.
Creating a Bean doesn't require any advanced concepts. So before I go any further, here is some code that implements a simple Bean:
public class MyBean implements
   protected  int theValue;
   public MyBean()
   public void setMyValue(int newValue)
      theValue = newValue;
   public int getMyValue()
      return theValue;

This is a real Bean named MyBean that has state (the variable theValue) that will automatically be saved and restored by the JavaBeans persistence mechanism, and it has a property named MyValue that is usable by a visual programming environment. This Bean doesn't have any visual representation, but that isn't a requirement for a JavaBean component.
JavaSoft is using the slogan "Write once, use everywhere." Of course "everywhere" means everywhere the Java run-time environment is available. But this is very important. What it means is that the entire run-time environment required by JavaBeans is part of the Java platform. No special libraries or classes have to be distributed with your components. The JavaBeans class libraries provide a rich set of default behaviors for simple components (such as the one shown earlier). This means that you don't have to spend your time building a lot of support for the Beans environment into your code.
The design goals of JavaBeans are discussed in Sun's white paper, "Java Beans: A Component Architecture for Java." This paper can be found on the JavaSoft web site at
 It might be interesting to review these goals before we move on to the technology itself, to provide a little insight into why certain aspects of JavaBeans are the way they are.

JavaBeans Overview :

The JavaBeans white paper defines a Bean as follows:
A Java Bean is a reusable software component that can be manipulated visually in a builder tool.

Properties, Methods, and Events :

Properties are attributes of a Bean that are referenced by name. These properties are usually read and written by calling methods on the Bean specifically created for that purpose. A property of the thermostat component mentioned earlier in the chapter could be the comfort temperature. A programmer would set or get the value of this property through method calls, while an application developer using a visual development tool would manipulate the value of this property using a visual property editor.
The methods of a Bean are just the Java methods exposed by the class that implements the Bean. These methods represent the interface used to access and manipulate the component. Usually, the set of public methods defined by the class will map directly to the supported methods for the Bean, although the Bean developer can choose to expose only a subset of the public methods.
Events are the mechanism used by one component to send notifications to another. One component can register its interest in the events generated by another. Whenever the event occurs, the interested component will be notified by having one of its methods invoked. The process of registering interest in an event is carried out simply by calling the appropriate method on the component that is the source of the event. In turn, when an event occurs a method will be invoked on the component that registered its interest. In most cases, more than one component can register for event notifications from a single source. The component that is interested in event notifications is said to be listening for the event.

Introspection :

Introspection is the process of exposing the properties, methods, and events that a JavaBean component supports. This process is used at run-time, as well as by a visual development tool at design-time. The default behavior of this process allows for the automatic introspection of any Bean. A low-level reflection mechanism is used to analyze the Bean's class to determine its methods. Next it applies some simple design patterns to determine the properties and events that are supported. To take advantage of reflection, you only need to follow a coding style that matches the design pattern. This is an important feature of JavaBeans. It means that you don't have to do anything more than code your methods using a simple convention. If you do, your Beans will automatically support introspection without you having to write any extra code. Design patterns are explained in more detail later in the chapter.
This technique may not be sufficient or suitable for every Bean. Instead, you can choose to implement a BeanInfo class which provides descriptive information about its associated Bean explicitly. This is obviously more work than using the default behavior, but it might be necessary to describe a complex Bean properly. It is important to note that the BeanInfo class is separate from the Bean that it is describing. This is done so that it is not necessary to carry the baggage of the BeanInfo within the Bean itself.
If you're writing a development tool, an Introspector class is provided as part of the Beans class library. You don't have to write the code to accomplish the analysis, and every tool vendor uses the same technique to analyze a Bean. This is important to us as programmers because we want to be able to choose our development tools and know that the properties, methods, and events that are exposed for a given component will always be the same.

Customization :

When you are using a visual development tool to assemble components into applications, you will be presented with some sort of user interface for customizing Bean attributes. These attributes may affect the way the Bean operates or the way it looks on the screen. The application tool you use will be able to determine the properties that a Bean supports and build a property sheet dynamically. This property sheet will contain editors for each of the properties supported by the Bean, which you can use to customize the Bean to your liking. The Beans class library comes with a number of property editors for common types such as float, boolean, and String. If you are using custom classes for properties, you will have to create custom property editors to associate with them.
In some cases the default property sheet that is created by the development tool will not be good enough. You may be working with a Bean that is just too complex to customize easily using the default sheet. Beans developers have the option of creating a customizer that can help the user to customize an instance of their Bean. You can even create smart wizards that guide the user through the customization process.
Customizers are also kept separate from the Bean class so that it is not a burden to the Bean when it is not being customized. This idea of separation is a common theme in the JavaBeans architecture. A Bean class only has to implement the functionality it was designed for; all other supporting features are implemented separately.

Persistence :

It is necessary that Beans support a large variety of storage mechanisms. This way, Beans can participate in the largest number of applications. The simplest way to support persistence is to take advantage of Java Object Serialization. This is an automatic mechanism for saving and restoring the state of an object. Java Object Serialization is the best way to make sure that your Beans are fully portable, because you take advantage of a standard feature supported by the core Java platform. This, however, is not always desirable. There may be cases where you want your Bean to use other file formats or mechanisms to save and restore state. In the future, JavaBeans will support an alternative externalization mechanism that will allow the Bean to have complete control of its persistence mechanism.

Design-Time vs. Run-Time :

JavaBeans components must be able to operate properly in a running application as well as inside an application development environment. At design-time the component must provide the design information necessary to edit its properties and customize its behavior. It also has to expose its methods and events so that the design tool can write code that interacts with the Bean at run-time. And, of course, the Bean must support the run-time environment.